Interested in growing your business? We are specialized in business development, business coaching, mentoring for small and medium businesses. |
coach, coaching, consulting, software, profits, store, books, forex trading, easy forex, shoppers, customers, business growth, consultant |
Infiintata in anul 2002, ca afacere de familie, agentia SIS Travel si-a propus initial sa atinga numai piata de business travel. |
Consultanta privind accesarea proiectelor cu fonduri europene neramburabile 2011. Exemple de studiu de fezabilitate, proiecte europene, analiza cost beneficiu, plan de afacere, analiza financiara. |
Servicii de gazduire web / web hosting pe platforme Linux si Windows cu trafic necontorizat folosind servere performante in Romania, Olanda, Germania si SUA. Business email, VPS hosting si servere dedicate. Peste 11000 de domenii gazduite. |
Hosting gazduire Web Romania, inregistrare domenii web .ro .com .eu, rezervare domeniu, grafica, webdesign, domeniu hosting, reseller domenii, internet Bucuresti Targu Mures, suport php, perl, mysql, asp, asp .net, MSSQL, webmail |
| reuneste noile tehnologii mobile-inteligente necesare stilului de viata mobil: pc, laptop, notebook, pda, gadget, telefoane mobile, aparate foto, proiectoare, bluetooth, usd, ipod, scanere, roboti, e-fax, modemuri, routere etc |
mobile, business, lifestyle, software, hardware, accesorii, gadget, telefoane, gsm, memorie, pc, robot, laptop, pda, notebook, tablet pc, tastatura, mouse, pcfax, digital camera, bluetooth, handsfree, wireless, wi fi, gamepad, modem, router, pos, usb, flash, scaner, fax, ipod, rfid, erp, crm, cms, hr |
Calorifere decorative din piatra Heatwave Jaga, Heatwave Small, Heatwave Medium, Heatwave Large, Heatwave Extralarge |
Go2m.Biz gathers m-technology inteligent hardware, software and gadgets that you need to develop your mobile Lifestyle: pcs, laptops, notebooks, pdas, gadgets, mobile phones, cameras, projectors, bluetooth, usd, ipods, scaners, robots, e-fax, modems, routers etc |
mobile, business, lifestyle, software, hardware, accessories, gadgets, telephone, phone, gsm, memory, pc, robot, laptop, pda, notebook, tablet pc, keyboard, mouse, pcfax, digital camera, bluetooth, handsfree, wireless, wi fi, gamepad, modem, router, pos, usb, flash, scanner, scaner, fax, ipod, rfid, erp, crm, cms, hr |
Firma noastra ofera o gama larga de servicii de calitate de consultanta �n afaceri, investitii, agricultura, imobiliar, financiar si legal, |
consultanta, mediere, afacere, romania, finante, oferta, reducere, finantare, firma, contabilitate, juridic, agricultura |
Cursuri interactive de limbi straine ONLINE: Engleza, Franceza, Germana, Spaniola, Italiana, etc, pe diferite domenii: general, business, tehnic, medical, juridic, hotelier, etc, pentru: interviu, angajare, cresterea nivelului de cunostinte lingvistice. |
Contabil cu experienta in Contabilitate firme, Resurse umane (regulament de ordine interioara, pontaje, contracte de munca, fise de post, acte aditionale, registrul de evidenta salariati (Revisal), depunere documente/declaratii, adeverinte eliberate salariatilor.) si Analiza financiara a firmelor. |