Director Web
Cautare cuvinte cheie / titlu:

Software pentru monitorizarea activitatii pe Internet | Software 0 credite
WFilter este o solutie pentru monitorizarea calculatoarelor atat la birou, cat si acasa. Prin monitorizarea angajatilor puteti supraveghea, restrictiona, filtra accesul acestora la Internet. Urmariti rapoarte si statistici pentru a creste productivitatea angajatilor si protejati informatiile confidentiale din firma. WFilter poate actiona ca un filtru pentru web, e-mail, mesagerie instant, P2P blocker. Software-ul nu utilizeaza agenti, ceea ce il face invizibil pentru utilizatori.

4000+ eBooks, Software, Videos | Marketing, publicitate 0 credite
To make money with Resell Rights Products, there is absolutely No Experience needed and No HTML Design or other- Tech knowledge required.

Reparatii Calculatoare Bucuresti | Service IT 0 credite
Reparatii Calculatoare Bucuresti hardware si software, specialist IT ofer servicii complete si profesionale in capitala la domiciliul dvs., diagnosticare, inlocuire componente interne pentru desktop si laptop, asistenta gratuita

Work finder | ----------- 0 credite
"Workfinder este un web site de recrutare online al carui obiectiv este optimizarea procesului de selectie al personalului pentru firme si gasirea unui loc de munca pentru candidati. Ideea de a lansa site-ul se naste din experienta si know how-ul acumulate pe parcursul anilor in domeniul Resurselor Umane. Pentru a va oferi cele mai bune servicii, Workfinder utilizeaza o tehnologie inovatoare furnizata de un partener prestigios, Altamira, leader in Italia in creeare de software HRM. "

Go2m.Biz: Mobile Business – Mobile LifeStyle | Service IT 0 credite
Go2m.Biz gathers m-technology inteligent hardware, software and gadgets that you need to develop your mobile Lifestyle: pcs, laptops, notebooks, pdas, gadgets, mobile phones, cameras, projectors, bluetooth, usd, ipods, scaners, robots, e-fax, modems, routers etc - magazin online de calculatoare | Magazine online 0 credite - magazin online de calculatoare. Vanzare de computere, electronice, laptop, notebook, aparate foto, video, servere, consumabile, componente pc, software, retelistica, wireless.

WebArt firma Bucuresti | Web Design 0 credite
Web design la rang de arta din 2002, web art software Bucuresti realizeaza la comanda orice tip de site-uri si aplicatii web, magazine virtuale, portaluri web, comunitati virtuale, tururi virtuale, mobile web design, oprimizare si pomovare pagini web, SEO, grafica publicitara, web hosting.

Facturare online | Contabilitate 0 credite
Conteq este un program de facturare online oferit de Gradientis Software. Suntem de parere ca majoritatea programelor de facturare sunt complexe, greoaie, dificil de instalat si de folosit.

GoalEurope - Outsourcing and Innovation in Eastern Europe | Service IT 0 credite
Publication about outsourcing and innovation in Eastern Europe is published by nearshore outsourcing consultant GoalEurope. We aim to support small and medium size companies looking to outsource their software development or business processes to Eastern Europe or investors learning the regions capacity to innovate. It is also a suitable source of information for those going to set up fully owned captive centre in Eastern Europe, as we provide ongoing analysis of the economic situation, property ...

Microsoft Project alternative | Software 0 credite
Affordable alternative to Microsoft Project at a fraction of its cost. RationalPlan is a project management software designed to help both project managers and teams to create consistent project plans


inapoi 3i= software 4i= software 5i= software 6i= software 7i= software 9i= software 10i= software 11i= software 12i= software 13i= software inainte
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